WASHED OUT movie adaptation by Safa Shaqsy

I’m happy to announce that my book WASHED OUT has been optioned by a producer on January 2023!

I signed the contract on the 9th of January 2023, and the development stage started soon after the contract was signed. I wrote this book about my mother who had dementia and passed away on the 4th of October 2022. She had this illness for twelve years, and we had to fend for ourselves. It was very hard to do all the things without her, and I had this dream of my book gets adapted into a movie to honor her. I hope her spirit knows how much she meant to me, and my family. I never mentioned this to her when she was ill, of the books I wrote, and my achievements and I regret not telling her.

The producer and I wrote the script and made some fixes before the final script was ready. I hope my fans who loved the book, also love the movie.

Description of the book:

Safa Shaqsy’s Washed Out is a contemporary romance book that will appeal to fans of books by Julie Buxbau’s novel Tell Me Three Things and Nicola Yoon’s novel Everything Everything.

If you had two choices of love? who will you hurt?

Celia Williams, eighteen, is a cool, bubbly student, popular and outgoing. Her mother suffers from dementia, and Celia is mentally bruised by her mother’s unexpected aggressive behavior due to the illness. Everyone else has long accepted her mother’s illness. However, Celia’s dream is that her mother might one day recover her memories and come back to her old self. Her caring focus leaves no room for depression to overwhelm her, even though she has siblings that she must take care of. Determined to keep her life normal, Celia Williams lives her life normally, socializes with her friends, and tries to keep her boyfriend happy. She also strives to achieve excellence in her scholastic life. But just as Celia succeeds with one of her plans as a perfect girl something unexpected happens, and suddenly her world shatters. Then she meets Ned, the nerdy guy with weird friends, who treats her like a queen. Celia falls for Ned, and he accepts her as she is, but there is still the matter of Celia’s mother, and there is always a choice to be made regarding how to care for her, and it takes everything she has to keep the balance between love and duty.

Link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/Washed-Out-Safa-Shaqsy-ebook/dp/B079W6R1Y7?ref_=ast_author_dp

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